Lake Maintenance

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Our lake maintenance crew work diligently to keep Lake Sahara clean, healthy and free of debris.  They work under the direction of the Lake Oversight Committee (LOC).  This LOC is responsible  for the beauty, health and safety of Lake Sahara.  They see to it that our lake is maintained properly.  They determine what treatment programs are necessary to ensure that our lake is beautiful to look at, is safe for our residents to use, and is healthful for wildlife. 

Members of the Lake Oversight Committee:

  • Greg Toussaint, chairman
  • PJ Conte
  • Douglas Geinzer
  • Jim Palmer
  • Wayne Schmidtberger
  • Danny Sims
  • John Wilson

If you see a problem with the lake, please report it immediately to our management company.


Copyright The Lakes Association, 2003, 2014

This website is designed and maintained by Greg Toussaint